FREESTYLEE xtraORDINARY features ordinary individuals through the visual medium of poster art. The series of art will be accompanied by the stories and short interviews of ordinary people from countries like Mexico, Ethiopia, Jamaica and others. The series was established to counter stereotypes of a people from regions such as Latin America, Africa and the Caribbean. xtraORDINARY people hope to deliver exciting visuals, insightful, novel and previously-overlooked individuals to my fans and followers across the globe.
Marisol Delgado is majoring in communications at the National University of Mexico (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, UNAM) in Acatlán campus (Facultad de Estudios Superiores Acatlán) and her dream is to travel the world, first she would like to tour all the wonderful places in her native Mexico then travel everywhere that she can. Marisol likes to meet people and learn about different cultures, "I find it fascinating how different people are, but at the same time we all are humans with similar dreams and aspirations.” Marisol loves animals that don’t have homes, and she wants to try to find them a home and family. In the future she would like to create an animal foundation with other persons in Mexico to help solve this growing problem. Marisol also like working with kids “I would like to be part of a program that offer a better life to children in difficult situations, and also to work with the elderly population.” <br></br> <b>What are your plans for the future?</b> I hope to be an excellent manager of events, more specific I'm interested in cultural events, I would like to be a good photographer too. For pleasure I love teaching dance, it is a good option also. <br></br> <b>What are your thoughts about the future of Mexico?</b> I'm worried about the future of my country, I think that we all need to be conscious about the situation like; poverty, homeless, the elderly, ecology. And now I feel that we don't have empathy enough to make a real positive change but I have hope. I believe art is a good way to make a difference and change minds (I mean it can function with kids, adolescents, adults... Everyone) with little actions it can build awareness and change minds. <br></br> <b>What part of Mexico are your parents from?</b> My dad is from the state of Puebla and my mom is from Oaxaca. <br></br>