This poster has been created and inspired by the travel series, THE LOCAL WAY, a video series that offers its audience a glimpse into a city’s local life in an attempt to foster “local travel” values in future travelers to the city as well as support local businesses around the world. For the past two years, the producers of THE LOCAL WAY have shot hundreds of hours of HD footage in Dublin, NYC, Paris, and Los Angeles. Each episode, hosted by local experts, features one aspect of a city – “NYC Cocktail Culture” and “Dublin’s Music Scene” providing travelers with insight and tips of the people and places they will encounter on a visit. Their hope is that the series will allow their audience to enjoy the city with ease, engage them with the destinations more thoroughly, as well as help them come to greater understanding of the people and places they visited.
Co-Founder of the Local Way, Amanda Rogers, states, “We believe that traveling “the local way” is important for both the traveler who wants to experience their destination in an authentic way and the small businesses who rely on money from both locals and visitors to survive. It’s this synergy we are trying to support and foster through our video series.”
THE LOCAL WAY is now launching a campaign to develop a mobile application that will amplify the video series with useful information that travelers can use on the go . With a click of a few buttons on their mobile phone or tablet device, a user can select“local” information based on the information provided within the video series customized for the Local Way mobile application and use it to travel “the local way.”
Up until now, the LOCAL WAY has been completely self-funded. A small team with the help of experts, locals, & artists who believe in this endeavor, have provided their services for FREE. Over the years, they have amassed the best team who believe in their vision and want to see this project come to fruition. These posters were created in order for them help them fundraise for their crowd funding campaign so the Local Way could finish the editing and gain exposure. It will also act as the art for the Separate City’s DVDs, ebooks, and mobile apps. See here how you can get a poster and help the LOCAL WAY to continue it’s amazing work here: